Quantum Fluctuation Resonator
This device is the ultimate quantum zero-point technology. Quantum fluctuation (quantum foam) is the basic structure of space at Planck length (10-35 m). It is not random as most physicists suggest but rather organizes into fractal attractors. We can influence and harmonize those attractors with proper technology and thus harmonize the basic structure of space continuum. Quantum Fluctuation Resonator device has an operational radius between 12 and 30 ft ( 4 and 10m ) and harmonizes basic structure of space continuum inside that radius. Practically speaking it harmonizes and improves every aspect of life (physical, emotional and mental) of anybody inside that radius. Above all it supports all positive decisions and free will as free will/consciousness is the determination factor in all quantum processes (Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Bell theorem). This technology is not Tachyon technology, it complements it and approaches the quantum world form a different angle.
Definitely the strongest protection and harmonization device on the planet!
Height 6 1/4" (160 mm). Price on request.
Pleiadian Stargate
Pleiadian Stargate is a hyperdimensional technology which helps us to reach higher states of consciousness and higher dimensions beyond our physical space-time continuum. It is a sacred geometry structure, made of pure copper and coated with pure quartz microcrystals. A singular quartz oscillator crystal emits a toroid shaped hyperdimensional field through the copper resonance ring which makes access to higher dimensions much easier within the range of 5m (15 ft) from the copper ring. The Pleiadian Stargate was subjected to 12 hour long tachionization process and thus became a permanent Tachyon stargate, constantly connected with the unified Zero Point Energy field through a hyperdimensional wormhole.
Height 11 1/2 " (290 mm). Price upon request.
Far UVC Disinfection Light
Far UVC Disinfection Light is a special light bulb that emits ultraviolet light in a very narrow, specific 222 nanometer far ultraviolet C wavelength range. This wavelength effectively kills viruses and bacteria but does not have harmful effects on human tissue, skin or eyes. Subjected to 12 hour tachionization process, its ultraviolet photons are far more harmonized. Suitable for your workspace/busineess/home to effectively disinfect the area. Maximum recommended exposure for humans is 15 minutes daily.
Dimensions 265 x 140 x 130 mm, weight 2.7 kilos. Price upon request.