Advanced Pleiadian Healing Technologies
Pleiadian Technologies Tachyon Products Tachyon Ascension Tools Tachyon Goddess Collection Saint Germain Collection Quantum Resonator/ Pleiadian Stargate / UVC Light Tachyon Healing Chamber Contact
Pleiadian Tachyon Chamber

Pleiadians and other cosmic civilizations of Light use tachyons as basic source of energy: as hyperdrive energy source for their spaceships by creating hyperspace wormholes, for healing, information transmission and for other purposes. Tachyon belt that represents the border between the entropic and syntropic universe is now surrounding our planet. High energy cosmic rays enter this Solar system from interstellar space and carry tachyons with them. Some of these tachyons reach the surface of our planet through a hyperdimensional wormhole that we have created with a quartz oscillator crystal aboard Genesis II spacecraft and these tachyons can be utilized in our Tachyon chamber that we have developed in cooperation with the Pleiadians. This special Tachyon chamber enables the arrival of tachyons from higher dimensions into physical matter.

Tachyons have an extraordinary calming and harmonizing effect. They can harmonize completely all energy fields that are result of gravity, electromagnetism and weak nuclear force. This reflects practically in multitude of ways. Tachyon energy harmonizes and enlivens the energy matrix  which shapes all matter and thus also our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. All this affects greatly our physical health and well-being. Since it harmonizes all electromagnetic emissions it is also an excellent protection against all forms of electrosmog. A treatment session inside the Tachyon chamber takes 20 minutes and has irreversible positive effects on all aspects of our being.
Pleiadian Tachyon Chamber is custom made according to your specifications and can be used as the most advanced technology for spas and spiritual centers. Price upon request. Please allow 3 months for construction and delivery.

A planetary network of Pleiadian Tachyon Chambers is being built. You can now schedule Tachyon treatment sessions worldwide.

North America:
Waynesboro, Virginia, USA contact tachyoncounseling.wordpress.com/
Eagle Butte, South Dakota, USA contact www.leadercreektachyonchamber.com/
Dunn, North Carolina, USA contact https://www.nctachyons.com
Scottsburg, Oregon, USA contact thetachyonportal.com
Petaluma, California, USA contact agelesstachyoncenter.com/
Los Angeles, California, USA contact tachyonwellness.net/
Lancaster, California, USA contact https://thetrilliumpath.com
Mount Shasta, California, USA contact sahasti@outlook.com
Arvada, Colorado, USA contact tachyonhealingCO@gmail.com
Austin, Texas, USA contact stargatehealing.org
Georgetown, Texas, USA contact stargatehealing.org
Portland, Texas, USA contact www.tachyondivinehealing.com
Cary, NC, USA contact: nrgshaman@aol.com
NYC, USA, contact: tachyonchambernyc@gmail.com
New York City, USA, contact: www.ascentiahhealingcenter.com
Sedona, Arizona, USA, contact: sedonatachyon.com
Quebec, Canada, contact: douceenergiecm@gmail.com
Quebec, Canada, contact: tachyonsdelarouge@gmail.com
Quebec, Canada, contact: tachyon.alcyone@gmail.com
Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada contact cookhouse777@gmail.com
Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada contact goforwellness.mykajabi.com/
Vernon, British Columbia, Canada contact www.healingtreeharmonics.ca
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada contact www.tachyontemple.com/

South America:
Lima, Peru, contact: www.reinopleyadiano.com  

London, UK contact Tachyon-GB@mail.com
Norfolk, UK contact info@foxburgh.co.uk
Isle of Wight, UK contact charlottesstudio@outlook.com
Mountshannon, County Clare, Ireland, contact: TachyonCrystalChamber@gmail.com
Haarlev, Denmark contact Regnbue@tachyondanmark.d

Strasbourg, France, contact: www.tachyon-alsace.com
Bretagne, France contact contact@jardindespleiades.fr
Landes, France contact sourcedevie11@orange.fr
Normandie, France contact www.tachyonsennormandie.fr
Pays de Loire France contact www.seancetachyon.com
La Vienne, France contact source@tachyon9.fr
Grand Est, France contact https://chambretachyon.nicepage.io
Isère region, France contact www.lestachyonsdisis.fr
Yvelines, France contact Tachyon.sonchamp@gmail.com
Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France contact: www.tachyon-pyrenees-atlantiques.com
Paris, France contact: https://tachyonparis.com
Alsace Nord, France, contact: tachyon.alsacenord@gmail.com
Quillan, France, contact: tachyons-aude@protonmail.com
Haute-Garonne, France contact: energiestachyon31.fr
Champagne-Bourgogne, France contact: lemoulindestachyons@gmail.com
Haute Savoie, France contact: totemenergie@gmail.com
Bourgogne-Morvan, France contact: tachyons-coeurdebourgogne.com
Centre-Val de Loire, France contact: bienetrepleiadien@gmail.com
La Vienne (Sud), France contact: tachyon-energie-source.fr
Mandelieu, France, contact: tachyon.origynl.06@gmail.com
Centre-Val de Loire, France, contact art-et-bien-etre@orange.fr
Marseille, France, contact: lestachyonsdugarlaban.com
Pays de la Loire (Sud), France, contact: www.aube-du-mieux-etre.fr
Bouches du Rhône, France, contact: https://sourcedevietachyon.com/  
Bretagne Sud, France, contact: www.1-tachyons-tcs.com
Lyon, France contact: www.tachyonsrhonealpes.com
Savoie, France contact: contact@tachyonsavoie.com
Toulouse, France contact: www.tachyonsoccitanie.com
Loir et Cher, France contact: cheznanou41@gmail.com
Montpellier, France contact: reliance.tachyons34@gmail.com
Bazoches Sur Hoene, France, contact: domainedelasourcetachyons@gmail.com
Saint Clément de Régnat, France, contact: tachyonsauvergne@gmail.com
La Rochelle, France, contact: tachyon.larochelle@gmail.com
Eure et Loir, France, contact: contact@energietachyons28.fr
Ain, France, contact: isis.soinenlumiere@gmail.com
Annecy, France, contact: https://tachyonannecy.fr
Béziers, France, contact: noesis.passage@gmail.com
South Puy-de-Dôme, France, contact: manifestachyons@protonmail.com
Gironde 33, France, contact: chambre.tachyons.gironde@gmail.com
Pyrénées Atlantiques, France, contact: tachyons.ossau64@orange.fr
Reims, France, contact: tachyons.marne@gmail.com
VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY, France, contact: tachyonsvelizy@gmail.com
Perpignan, France, contact: https://tynergy.fr/tachyons/
Grenoble (Seyssinet-Pariset), France, contact: tachyonsisere@gmail.com
Lot (46), France, contact: https://unevoixdebienetre.sitew.fr
Flayosc, Var, France, contact: joyausource.tachyons@gmail.com
Sergy, Ain, France, contact: tachyon.sergy@gmail.com
Saint Jean de monts, Vendée, France, contact: tachyons85@gmail.com
Nièvre (Nord), France, contact: cheminonsensemble@free.fr
Dole (39), France, contact : http://www.tachyons-jura.fr
Val-de-Travers, Suisse,  contact: val.tachyons@gmail.com
Geneve, Switzerland, contact: www.tachyon.agenda.ch
Châtel-St-Denis, Switzerland, contact: www.espace-tachyon.ch
Lausanne, Switzerland, contact: http://www.la-voie-du-changement.ch
Terre Sainte, Switzerland, contact:  tachyonsterresainte.agenda.ch
Bilbao, Spain contact: www.tachyonfly.es
Piekary Slaskie, Poland contact wakachan@tutanota.com
Perm, Russia, contact: tachyon-ch@mail.ru
Rzeszow, Poland contact tachyonpoland.com
Venice, Italy contact info@iamitaly.org
Ljubljana, Slovenia contact sales.tachyon@gmail.com
Mogyorod, Hungary contact www.tachyonhungary.com
Pusztaszer, Hungary, contact: https://tachyonkamra.hu
Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic contact www.tachyonchamber.net
Odry-Kamenka, Czech, contact: https://www.tachyonovakomora.cz   
Glauchau, Germany contact anettneugebauer70@gmail.com
Letschin, Germany contact sigrid-brzoska@t-online.de
Elva, Estonia, contact: elvavalguskoda@mail.ee
Kapelle-op-den-Bos, Belgium, contact: tachyonchamber.be
Liege, Belgium, contact: www.mahegerome.com
Chiang Mai, Thailand contact sotetachyonchamberthailand@gmail.com
Andhrapradesh, India contact regret2revamp@gmail.com
Kuala Lumpur, Mayalsia, contact lightworker@healingtech.org
Penang, Malaysia, contact: balancepoint222@gmail.com
Kuala Lumpur TTDI, Malaysia, contact: victory@blisswavelight.com
Singapore contact yalinnnliu@gmail.com
New Taipei City, Taiwan contact maylywing@gmail.com
Hsinchu, Taiwan contact anthem.chang@gmail.com
Taichung City, Taiwan contact a0977607333@gmail.com
Tanzi District, Taiwan contact asdroger@gmail.com
Miaoli City, Taiwan, contact: taiwan0908844855@gmail.com
Xinzhuang, New Taipei, Taiwan contact garden.of.light7777@gmail.com
Toufen City, Taiwan, contact: taiwan0908844855@gmail.com
Tokyo, Japan contact miyata@broadband.ne.jp
Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan contact shuji-s@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
Katano, Osaka, Japan contact osaka.katano.tachyon@gmail.com
Osaka, Japan contact umino@tutanota.com
Saitama, Japan contact macolove00@gmail.com
Chigasaki, Kanagawa, Japan contact hide20@gb4.so-net.ne.jp
Sendai, Miyagi, Japan contact aki2013812@gmail.com
Ibara-shi, Okayama, Japan contact sangitsaloni3126@gmail.com
Yonago, Tottori, Japan contact Mimou-cl@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Yokohama, Japan contact treetoptherapy777@gmail.com
Morioka, Japan contact moriokachamber@gmail.com
Hokkaido, Japan, contact: guizixiaolin4@gmail.com
Nonoichi, Ishikawa, Japan contact Mimou-cl@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Nomi-shi, Ishikawa, Japan contact kyoko.the-milky-way@ezweb.ne.jp
Hakone, Japan, contact: goboutoshijimi@yahoo.co.jp
Okinawa, Japan contact tel09019801107@gmail.com
Chengdu, China contact gzylight777@sina.com
Shanghai, China contact 537503002@qq.com
Wuhan, China contact starlightcreative@outlook.com
Baoshan, China contact 3284013270@qq.com
Shenyang, China contact 1181468042@qq.com
Huizhou, China contact garden_of_light@163.com
Chengdu City, China, contact: caihongzhilong@tutamail.com
Hong Kong, contact: giftartlife@gmail.com

Tahiti, French Polynesia contact https://www.energeticien-tahiti.com/chambre-tachyon.html
Noumea, New Caledonia contact seb.peltier@gmail.com
Auckland, New Zealand contact tachyonhealing.nz@gmail.com
Wellington, New Zealand contact www.tachyonhealing.nz
Canberra, ACT, Australia contact tachyonhealing.australia@gmail.com
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia, contact: www.tachyonaustralia.com

Réunion, contact terrasoins@gmail.com
Réunion, contact: caroline.nurbel@gmail.com

Disclaimer: Tachyon chambers are NOT med beds, please do not contact the above tachyon chamber owners for med bed healing!

Medical Disclaimer

The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only.

Pleiadian Technologies Tachyon Products Tachyon Ascension Tools Tachyon Goddess Collection Saint Germain Collection Quantum Resonator/ Pleiadian Stargate / UVC Light Tachyon Healing Chamber Contact